This is my first blog and I thought why not write about what I know... or what I think I know, and I think I know A LOT!
As I was putting together my website, I was drawn back to my "ABOUT" page.. The short version of myself : WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE ETC.. got me thinking about acting and what we are taught first year of college; the 5 W's.
Stanislavsky wrote about his approach that actors should take when tackling a character in a play. Questions pertaining to discovering a character when there is no information provided to you. This got me thinking that if I can get specific on a character, why not get specific on my own life. Specificity is the key to unlocking ANYTHING, making it easier to acheive what I want in a scene and most importantly my life. So, would it hurt to get specific when it comes to my own goals?!
Allow me as I'm going to approach my life with Stanislavsky method to discovering a character...Here I go:
Who am I?: I am an Entertainer. I am a person who is passionate about acheving success. I love to perform, and want to live to my fullest potential, personally and professionally.
Where am I?: Well, physically, I am in a room, but figuratively, I am at the best stage of life. In my thirties. This is the time to embrace a career that will keep me fulfilled, and it has and will continue to do so until the moment I realize I want to get uncomfortable and do things that our out of my reach. Getting out of my comfort zone and tackling the undiscovered territories of my potential is where I need to be. That's when I will not only stop living my life but living my wildest dreams. How can I acheive this more specifically? Be productive everyday, learn something everyday, and change something everyday. I'm pretty sure that will get me there!
What do I want?: I want to be happy doing what I love and never stress about living within my means. I want to be on demand constantly but do my OWN work. I want to be the boss of my career and not depend on others. I want to raise a family and do everything together. I want to be surprised everyday by information, people and myself.
What do I do to get what I want?: Never give up! Wake up with a sense of knowing my day will be accomplished to it's fullest. Giving myself tasks to reach my goals and have people hold me accountable.
Why: Because there is nothing sadder than a life wasted.
Now your turn.