No kid ever says they want to grow up and make enough money to get by, put their heart and souls into something for people to judge, to then have to continue to hustle and work hard at opportunities that hundreds of other people get to take advantage of as well... Who wants that? I do, sign me up! I always said that I would rather be doing something I love than live my life in regret. But is it all worth it in the end? I think so, but when I look at my bills and long for a normal steady financial life, I am slightly doubtful. I recently bought a king size bed. I am in my thirties and I have a bed that I can call my own. No more futons, no more half way beds... I have a bed that has a guarantee of 25 years at least! Can you imagine what it would feel like to get a house or to own a car as an actor?
This is my life and I have to own this decision I've made to be satistied artistically and not financially. I have to be creative and think of ways to OWN this path I've chosen, so that I don't have people like my mother saying she was right. I mean what else could I possibly be good at and sustain a passion for? I get bored easily and I would rather try to find ways of keeping money in the bank and feeding my creative appetite.
I do dream about having benefits though. The security of knowing that I can go to the dentist and not pay in instalements that will take me year to pay off is a brillant idea! I've got to think outside the box before I start living outside and eating a box! If there is anyone who has master being an actor and living with financial peace of mind, come find me.